r Spell of Life


This an allies swarm deck. It uses Spell Of Life to put into play an army of big mummies, then proceeds to bleed its successive preys.

Using Nakhthorheb for the job is a common choice, because he has a great ability. He can also get an Enkil Cog, multiplying his bleeding power in the late game

The plan is pretty straightforward: put a Spell Of Life in play every turn until it triggers, while accumulating different big capacity vampires in the crypt in the meantime.

Obfuscate O is, of course, used for stealth, to make sure those Spell Of Life can hit the board unhindered.

Tips & Tricks

When Spell Of Life triggers, the mummies can act immediately, since they have not been recruited. This immediate shift in the deck's power can often be underestimate by the opponents, since the whole deck was pretty low-key in the few turns before that.

A couple of Enticement can help damage the prey's pool.


Since 2014, including a couple of In Memory of the Two Lands is usual.

Using another star, or no star at all, with more mummies allies like Nephren‑Ka or Tutu the Doubly Evil One is also possible, like in Elzo Benzaquen's deck from 2017.