Girls Will Find Inner Circle


This is a stealth & bleed deck centered around the use of multiple Master actions and a lot of Master cards. This is commonly reffered to as a Multi Master Phase Actions construct.

The base idea is to get Cybele out, then Aksinya Daclau, using Zillah's Valley and Villein to get them out faster.

Cybele ability provides more master phase actions, while Aksinya Daclau's ability also uses the Master cards for bleed defence, providing a permanent bounce.

The deck has an exceptional bloat capacity, between Villein, Liquidation and Ashur Tablets.

While the game progresses, big capacity vampires with a strong permanent bleed bonus and O are put into play. They proceed to destroying the prey's pool using O stealth and their inherent bleed bonus.

The high number of Ashur Tablets provide an exceptional recursion. The more the game advances, the more the deck concentrates the cards it needs the most, depending on the table context and the opponents decks.

Tips & Tricks

Aksinya Daclau needs to be unlocked to use her ability. That's why the deck uses Guard Dogs and Rat's Warning.

The crypt uses vampires with O and R, so they can use Entrancement and Majesty. However, most vampires do not have access to d or A for additional bounces. As the vampires have a very big capacity though, Lost in Translation provide additional bounces in case of a very aggressive predator.


Many small variations exists, depending on the cards used outside the Master module.

A common variation is the Girls Will Find AIDS, more combat-focused and using Nana Buruku and an I combat module using Deep Song, Aid From Bats, and Carrion Crows. Hugh Angseeing's deck from the 2011 NAC FCQ is a good example.

In a sense, the Corey Brindley's MMPA Politics can be seen as a variation, but the crypt and library differences are pretty huge so it deserved a separate entry.


Pentex™ Subversion has been modified by an errata in September 2019. It does not prevent a vampire to act anymore, so it is less powerful but its ability to disable a strong blocker is still an important aspect. It might have its place here.

Ashur Tablets has been modified by an errata in February 2024. Only one can be played per turn now, so less copies should be included, and the deck is markedly less powerful.