
This is a brutal swarm rush deck. Low-capacity vampire Bum's Rush the opposition, using Saturday Night Special with Dragon's Breath Rounds (hence the name, DBR), to remove everyone from the board.

Concealed Weapon is used to fetch the gun directly in combat, and a good portion of the crypt has d, so they can use Graverobbing to permanently remove the target from their opponent's board, and even rescue it afterwards if they have some blood left: after all, anyone can use a Saturday Night Special.

Once the board is clear enough, just bleed for one to sweep the table.

Tips & Tricks

This is a rush deck, so a control deck. One can definitely let a couple of VPs slip to the opposition if it makes for a faster game.


The Saturday Night Special & Dragon's Breath Rounds combination can be found in a variety of decks, although maybe not in such a monomaniac intensity as in this one.

It can be run as a side threat alongside Flash Grenade, as in Brams infamous Anu Deck.

Or combined with Antonio d'Erlette and his Nephandus like in Mirko Anconitani's deck.